Authorship Urban Fantasy

How to Write Urban Fantasy

The latest in my Genre Writer series is Urban Fantasy: How to Write Paranormal & Supernatural Thrillers. It is available in paperback and eBook (Kindle) formats on Amazon. The paperback should also be available from other book stores. Amazon UK Amazon USA

Authorship Frankie Rowan Casebook series Genre Writer The Vampire's Skull Urban Fantasy

How I Wrote an Urban Fantasy

I’ve added a couple of new articles to the website, talking about how I planned, plotted, and wrote my novel The Vampire’s Skull. These are based on information I include in the latest in my Genre Writer series, Urban Fantasy: How to Write Paranormal and Supernatural Thrillers. These articles are quite long, so I’ve split […]

Frankie Rowan Casebook series The Vampire's Skull Uncategorized Urban Fantasy

New Urban Fantasy Novel

The Vampire’s Skull is my latest novel, my first attempt at something in the urban fantasy genre. Amazon UK Amazon USA